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  【摘 要】Some commonly used signal words are grouped and explained here:although, but, however, on the other hand, nevertheless.

  【关键词】化工词汇 掌握 方法

  Good vocabulary is a big help for chemical engineering students to acquire chemical knowledge, no matter whether the words are technical words or not. Here are the methods to masternew words easily.


  1 Word formation

  diatomic—di+atom+ic; digi-tech—digital+technology,H-hydrogen, N-nitrogen, O-oxygen;Ne-neon, Ar-argon, Krkrypton,Xe-xenon, Rn-radon, C-carbon, B-boron, Si-silicon;He-heium-ium, Li-lithium, Na-sodium, K-potassium, Rbrubidium,Cs-cesium, Be-beryllium, Mg-magnesium, Mnmanganese,Cl-chlorine and Cr-chromium; Ni-nickel, Cobalt,Zn-zinc, Mo-molybdenum, Pt-platinum, Hg-mercury.

  2 Guessing the word meaning from the dynamic context

  A word could have a different meaning to different people withdiffering backgrounds of knowledge and experience. As for readers,using inference from the dynamic context is critical.

  Restatement: Animosity, a feeling of strong dislike, developed among the workers when some refused to join the union.

  A restatement is merely stating the word in another way, usually in simpler terms. A restatement is usually set off by commas.

  Synonyms: The old man was cantankerous. He was illtempered,mean, and extremely quarrelsome. A synonym is one of two or more words that have the same or similar meaning.

  Antonyms: The sea lion is a cumbersome animal on land, but in the water it is one of the most graceful.

  Definitions: A disease that can be spread from one person to another is said to be contagious.

  Explanation: We should be skeptical of get-rich-quick plans because financial success usually requires long hours and hard work.

  As an aid to the reader, difficult words are sometimes explained to make the meaning clearer.

  Relationships: The students were jubilant when they learned that their school had placed first in the classroom.

  Here you must identify a relationship between the difficult word and something the author has stated with little explanation and few clues.

  3 Meaning development by metaphor

  Language is rich in metaphors. Biologists use enzymes to decompose DNA chains into parts in testing genes, thus making it convenient for analyses. When asked to explain the decomposition, they metaphorize it as a “shotgun blast design”. On this foundation, they find that DNA determines the idiosyncratic process of cells in biological generation. They also explain skillfully and exactly various concepts and manifestation of this action with the aid of metaphors “message”, genetic “code”, DNA molecule “transmit information” to other parts of cells, thus “translate” the features of a special organism, the relationship between cells is a motherdaughter relationship.

  4 One words with many different meanings

  For example, CET Band 4: What does the image the author presents to her students suggest?

  A ) Women students needn’t have the concerns of her generation.

  B)Women have more barriers on their way to academic success.

  C)Women can balance a career in science and having a family.

  D)Women now have fewer problems misusing a science career.

  We always think suggest as 建议 in Chinese, but here it refers to 暗示, which is critical to solve the question. So as long as we recite new words or meet some special Chinese meanings to known words, we should remember them at once.

  5 Idioms

  HIV gains the upper hand, dismantling the T-cell system and leaving the body defenseless against the opportunistic infections that characterize AIDS. We can find informal idiomatic expressions such as “gains the upper hand”. Considering Christianity as their beliefs,many characters and events of the Bible make up a large part of English words with unique connotations.

  6 Signal words

  Signal words are like traffic lights of reading signs. The Transactional Reading Model requires a keen sense of signal words so as to grasp the frame of a piece of writing. Signal words can also help to identify the pattern.

